Idea: alto.

16 Nov 2023

Alto. is a concept stationary store that I wish I could start one day. It will be operated both in-person and online and basically the aim of it is to make stationary similar to MUJI style pens, but also to have stuff like Traveler’s Notebook, as well as adding the possibility of customising your pen however you like. You can choose between a variety of refills and also accessories to add to the pen (like modified grips, caps, color, etc..)

It’s hard to describe what I’m trying to do with this stationary store but it’s mainly to create a stationary line that provides the ability for people to create their own “perfect stationary”. This allows the customers to bespoke stationary that is created by “them”

The aim of this store is also to provide stationary that isn’t exhorbitantly expensive as well. Unlike like pocket notebooks from Moleskine or Lechturrum (no idea how to spell this) 1917.

I will evolve this idea further as time goes on, on this page itself. Right now it’s just an undeveloped, unfocused, crazy idea. But I hope I can develop this into an actual feasible idea..

A part of me really enjoys the Baronfig’s mission, which is to create analog tools for Thinkers.

Packaging is also an important thing that I need to really work on, the unboxing experience really defines a large part of the perceived quality of a product.

See Also

The Magical Pocket Book

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