The Magical Pocket Book

13 Nov 2023

A pocket book is an extremely vital tool within my life, it serves the purpose of capturing ideas, thoughts, feelings, all inside of a pocket book.

The idea of starting this website started from an idea from my pocket books. These kinds of thoughts are usually termed as “seedlings” within the Personal Knowledge Management world, it’s a cool metaphor that mostly describes the things that are written in notebooks.

I choose not to keep a phone digital notebook (or Notes App), simply because of the friction between what I want to write of going through the horrendous amount of steps on the phone just to jot down simple things:

In contrary, writing in my notebook consists of three simple steps:

Although, it is rather convenient to have it written in a digital format so that it can be quickly expanded on the computer as you may just copy and paste from your app, but I still prefer analog.

Sometimes compromising on a big disadvantage for the advantage of the greater system is the better option. (not sure what this is called, contact me if you do know)

Here are some thoughts and ideas of what I wrote in my notebook that I found quite interesting as I look back at it:

Sometimes the things I jot down are dumb, stupid, and perhaps even crazy (which I won’t write here, because my dignity won’t allow it hahahaha) but it is the fact that the purpose of having a pocket notebook is not to strive for perfection, but as a sandbox for dumb, fun, crazy, stupid, cool ideas.

I encourage and really emphasise to anyone reading this (if anyone…) of the importance of starting their own pocket notebooks, it has been a vital tool for attempting understanding this confusing and overwhelming world around me a little more, and I hope that the benefits it has brought me will be brought to you as well

Happy writing.

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