Idea: The Student's Wiki

28 Nov 2023

This idea came about from when I was in English Interpretation, our class had to input all of the notes into a document regarding the method of how to structure a task and we had to create our own graphic organiser for the information within the video, from this, an idea stemmed.

What if we had a platform for students to collaboratively add their own notes into a collection of school notes for all subjects, their experiences, their advice for new, incoming students, ideas, blogs, etc… Much like a mixture of Reddit and Wikipedia.

We will be shortly testing the feasibility of this idea and hopefully everyone will at least contribute something to the vault.

Our tentative names for the “wiki” are currently:

  1. Thunderhead (heh)
  2. The Student’s Catalogue
  3. Vault of Knowledge (VoK)

Hopefully this idea can slowly branch out to something more significant, perhaps school wide to other grades and have it last across multiple alumnis.

EDIT (10/4/2024): We did something of the sort, but it is not really as grand as we hoped it would be. Oh well.

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