The Learner-Teacher Barrier

04 Dec 2023

I’d like to think in many class environments there is a barrier between the teacher and the student.

Many times there have been those questions that I really want to ask the teacher, but afraid to, as I feel like it was a stupid question. From that, I had to research on my own, which took lots of time.

I wish there was instead a feedback loop of the teacher understanding the faults of the student, and guiding the student to still seek their own answers, but also aware of where they are intellectually in the subject. This is because I feel that some teachers have a skewed understanding of how to teach, and rather only assign work and hope that the student can pull out understanding of a topic that is yet covered.

That kind of teaching environment feels like it caters to people who are already knowledgeable about the subject, not first-time learners, like I am. I despise the implied annoyance from a teacher when a student doesn’t yet understand a concept that the teacher didn’t even teach in detail.

Although, its sometimes good to have bad teachers in subjects in order to help a student to learn how to not rely on a single source of information, but rather be independent, and seek many other sources.

Maybe they aren’t so bad after all?

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