Learning from Teaching

13 Mar 2024

Learning from teaching is an amazing experience.

I always taught you would remember where you started learning from, but that wasn’t the case. I found that I constantly forgotten how I finally understood a concept, or what thing that I was stuck on that I finally found the answer to. A prime example of this was explaining the concept of dictionaries in python to people, especially nested dictionaries. It was rather interesting to see that it was intuitive for me to access any value from the dictionary, but not for a new learner, which I guess is expected.

But another thing that made me wonder was what was the ideal way to learn python so that you would get the basics down incredibly fast? Does everybody have the same learning time, and that it is only dependent on how much time you spend on it or if there are differences in learning duration, what is the difference? Is it a large or rather negligible difference?

One of my classmates actually decided to create a pygame application from they have learned, which was amazing, and it is great to see that they seem to enjoy the process of programming, even when it does get a little difficult.

I’ll add on more through an edit later, but this is all I have about this right now buh-bye

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