A trained mind is better than any other script

12 Jun 2024

“In this way you must understand how laughable it is to say, ‘Tell me what to do!’ What advice could I possibly give? No, a far better request is, ‘Train my mind to adapt to any circumstance.’ . . . In this way, if circumstances take you off script . . . you won’t be desperate for a new prompting.” —EPICTETUS, DISCOURSES, 2.2.20b–1; 24b–25a

I have recently started reading “The Daily Stoic” by Ryan Holiday, much of the wisdom I have gained from this book is insightful and quite interesting. I attempt to relate much of this to my daily life and have focused on application much of the time. Here are my interpretations on June 12.

  1. “It is better to be taught than simply given”, much of this is rather self-explanatory, one can’t attempt to memorise or be given the scripts of life, but to be able to train the mind to learn to independently uncover the scripts itself within their own interpretations.

  2. Be adaptable to any circumstance, so that you are unworried to the changes that inevitably occur. Understand what you can directly control and what you can’t. Though, do not restrict your faculties that limit the possibilities of actually be changed.

  3. Plans only as lasts until you are “punched in the face”, while this quote is inspired directly from Mike Tyson within the book, being “punched in the face” is a metaphor of being caught with your guard down, and losing control of your situation and in result your clarity of mind. Thus, it is better to be able to adapt than have a set script, be able to play the manuscript but also able to improvise.

As a student, this applies to me in the sense that certain things I learn must be done independently, not spoon-fed by teachers. Skills like knowing how to study, how to revise, how to extend one’s knowledge beyond the curriculum are self-led initiatives and are not to be spoon-fed any longer by teachers by this age. Time-management especially, are things that need to be solidified around this point.

Also, being able to adapt to one’s current state of mind is also important, learning to be aware of one’s strengths and limitations in the current moment can help you understand when to cool off and hit the brakes or when you are able to maybe push yourself.

Thus, you can figure many things out by one’s own faculties independently, don’t wait to be spoon fed, spend some time (focused time) directly on the problem at hand and think of solutions. By this, you slowly train one’s mind to problem solve, be independent, be creative, and resilient instead of rigid in the front of problems in your life.

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